7 Great Legal Tech blogs and Reinventing the Industry
August 3, 2011
In her interesting article – 7 Great Legal Technology Law Blogs – for Law Practice Today, Natalie Huha shares a sample list of her favorite blogs in the legal tech community. They include:
- http://www.futurelawyer.com by Rick Georges
- http://www.lawsitesblog.com by Bob Ambrogi
- http://aboveandbeyondkm.com by Mary Abraham
- http://www.geeklawblog.com by Lisa Salazar, Greg Lambert and Toby Brown
- http://blog.technolawyer.com owned by PeerViews, Inc. and managed by Neil J. Squillante and Sara Skiff
- http://www.tabletlegal.com by Josh Barrett
- http://www.sophisticatedlitigationsupportblog.com by TERIS
Their thought leadership adds to the transformation of the entire industry. I had the chance to speak with e-discovery authority Gabe Acevedo of Gabe’s Guide during the BigHand tour, who shared his thoughts about that evolution in the interview below. “E-Discovery is an industry that is constantly reinventing itself,” he says highlighting that the key theme of 2011 is predictive coding, which he describes as Watson-like in its impact on document review.