Quantify and Report Legal Risk or Else…
September 24, 2014
I spoke with Matthew Whalley, the head of legal risk consultancy at Berwin Leighton Paisner in London, who spent six years as part of the legal operations team at HSBC. We discussed the challenges in-house counsel face in identifying, quantifying, and reporting the business risks that arise from law and regulation, the potential consequences of failing to properly manage that legal risk, and the value of using a custom toolkit to help organizations calculate and mitigate the inherent uncertainty in their operations.
Whalley will be presenting a case study – Lessons for In-house Counsel: How to Quantify and Report Legal Risk – at the 2014 Yerra Solutions Annual Conference: Connecting the Dots Between Strategy, Operations and Technology on October 15, 2014.
Listen to our interview below: