Six New Year’s Resolutions to Increase Law Firm Profitability
January 15, 2014
Vincent Bell, the president of Upstream Consulting Group, recently shared Six New Year’s Resolutions for Your Law Firm, which he suggests will help your firm improve its profitability.
“They contain specific and easily applied business suggestions,” he says. “Three of them are micro resolutions relating to specific functions within a law firm that should be examined and improved. The other three are macro resolutions that transcend specific internal functions and relate more to the philosophical focus and overall direction of the firm,” he adds.
The resolutions are:
1) Seriously Examine Your Cost Structure
2) Bill Monthly and Collect Monthly
3) Stop Discounting
4) Write and Follow a Realistic Strategic Plan
5) Become an Entrepreneurial Law Firm
6) Question Your Traditions
Read the entire article here.