Visualization and the Movement Toward ‘Glanceable Information’ in eDiscovery
September 16, 2014
I spoke with Ian Campbell, the president of iCONECT Development, the maker of the XERA® hosted review platform. He is responsible for sales, business development, product lifecycle development, and legal service provider and partner relations.We discussed the company’s history and the evolution of eDiscovery, the need for litigation support tools to look and feel like familiar technology platforms, and key trends that he will be discussing at the upcoming Ingenious East Coast eDiscovery and Information Governance Retreat, including healthcare metrics, OLED screens, and the personal cloud, among other topics. Campbell predicts that visualization and a movement toward “glanceable information” will impact eDiscovery in 2015.Also, the company is hosting a webinar today discussing the issue of “Best in Breed vs. End-to-End?” – click on the link to register.