Wordsmithing Your Way to Success
October 10, 2013
I spoke with Gary Kinder, a lawyer and the New York Times bestselling author of Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea: The History and Discovery of the World’s Richest Shipwreck. Kinder is the founder and creator of WordRake, an editing software program that he reports is being used by thousands of law firms, universities, and organizations to help individuals write clearly and concisely.
We discussed the genesis of WordRake, which he highlighted is “designed to get rid of words that convey no meaning.” He suggests that writers delete phrases like “in this case” and “the terms of the contract.” In addition, look for the words in or of and reduce words around them that force readers to slow down.
In a legal market that values efficiency, writers need to make their points faster. Since everyone needs an editor, Kinder created WordRake to fill that void. He offers a variety of writing tips on his blog – WritetothePoint.com – and WordRake offers a 3-day free trial here.
Listen to our interview below: